Урок 10: Степени сравнения прилагательных

  1. Read the text:

Most descrip­tive adjec­tives can show degree of qual­i­ty or quan­ti­ty by form­ing two degrees of com­par­i­son: the com­par­a­tive degree and the superla­tive degree. These degrees are formed from the pos­i­tive degree, which is the usu­al form of adjec­tives. The com­par­a­tive and superla­tive forms can be sim­ple (big­ger, biggest) or com­pound (more atten­tive, most attentive).

The com­par­a­tive degree and the superla­tive degree are formed by adding the suf­fix­es ER and EST to the pos­i­tive form of the adjec­tive or by using MORE and MOST before the pos­i­tive form of the adjec­tive. The choice of ER, EST or MORE, MOST depends most­ly on the num­ber of syl­la­bles in the adjective.


Descrip­tive — описательный
qual­i­ty - качество
quan­ti­ty - количество
com­pound — сложный, составной
syl­la­ble – слог

  1. Ask ques­tions to the text.

[atten­tion type=red]Remem­ber![/attention]

Small – small­er – the smallest

Beau­ti­ful – more beau­ti­ful – the most beautiful

degrees of comparison
Правила образования степеней сравнения английских прилагательных
  1. Give degrees of com­par­i­son of the fol­low­ing adjectives:

Small; young; thin; tall; fine; straight; few; easy; busy; thick; dirty; good; much; new;  bad; lit­tle; many; mod­ern; rea­son­able; many; more; dear­er; best; most impor­tant; good; worse, high; cheap­est; light; less; more polite; high­er; dear; most mod­ern; bad; cheap; more impor­tant; lit­tle; bet­ter; impor­tant; high­est; dear­est; polite; worst; lighter; most polite; more mod­ern; most rea­son­able; cheap­er; most rea­son­able; most; least; lightest.

  1. Answer the questions:

Exam­ple: Which is longer: a mile or a kilo­me­ter? A mile is. A mile is longer than a kilometer.

Which is longer: an hour or a minute?

Which is high­er: a moun­tain or a hill?

Which is big­ger: a ship or a car?

Which is longer: a sea or a river?

Which is more dif­fi­cult: to go on foot or to go by train?

Which is more con­ve­nient: to ride a horse or to go by car?

  1. Open the brackets:

Feb­ru­ary is (cold) than January.

John Anders is (old) than me.

Lake Baikal is (deep) than this lake.

Peter is (tall) than Mike.

Our flat is (more/less) com­fort­able than yours.

This dic­ta­tion is (more/less) dif­fi­cult than yesterday’s one.

This bird is (more/less) beau­ti­ful than ours.

Alex’s wrist-watch is (more/less) expen­sive than mine.

  1. Fill in with the suit­able words
  2. We are big­ger ____ GNC, but Sat­co are ____ biggest in the market.
  3. I can see you either day. One day is ____ good ___ the other.
  4. Nobody knows more about eco­nom­ics ___ Tina ___.
  5. Of course, I’ll speak to her. It’s the ____ I can do after all your help.
  6. Sor­ry, 7% dis­count is my best offer. It’s the ___ I can do.
  7. He is one of the ____ dif­fi­cult cus­tomers I have ever dealt with.
  8. Every­one else had worked a lot longer on the project ____ I ___.
  9. I don’t think that this super­mar­ket is ___ risky ___ it was.
  10. The restau­rants are the same. This one is ___ as expen­sive ___ that one.
  11. This restau­rant is bet­ter for us. It’s ___ as expen­sive __ that one.
  12. Cor­rect the mistakes:
  13. Paris has become cen­tral Europe’s glam­ourest city.
  14. Most tallest office tow­ers in the world are in Kuala Lumpur.
  15. Cleve­land is now one of the most clean­est cities in North America.
  16. In Buenos Aires for­eign bankers are as com­mon than cof­fee house poets.
  17. The Lon­don Under­ground is worst than the Tokyo Under­ground system.
  18. Ire­land is not as larg­er as Greece.
  19. The Lon­don Stock Exchange is very old­er than the Sin­ga­pore Exchange.
  20. Their prices are very high in com­pared to ours.
  21. Make up your own sen­tences with degrees of com­par­i­son of adjectives.

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