Английский язык с “Полиглотом”: урок девятый


Всех приветствую на 9-м уроке “Полиглота”!

Во-первых, хочу обратить внимание, на то, что вы должны уже говорить на английском, независимо от того, что вы не знаете всю грамматику, у вас уже есть базовые структуры, у вас есть определённый багаж слов. Не стоит откладывать изо дня в день, попробуйте сегодня. Есть масса чатов, где вы можете найти носителей английского языка, ваши родные или друзья, возможно, владеют языком. Вперед! Никакое выученное грамматическое правило или слово, не имеет ровным счетом, никакой ценности пока вы его не примените на практике — в речи. “Вы должны говорить с удовольствием, не стесняясь” — вот совет великого полиглота Д. Петрова. В этом главный минус многих, заканчивая школу, мы знаем массу зазубренной грамматики и не умеем связать несколько фраз. Давайте говорить на английском!

Полиглот: урок девятый

Девятый урок курса «Полиглот» состоит из четырех реальных историй, ученики Дмитрия Петрова рассказывают чем они занимались в воскресенье. Вы услышите интересные историй после каждой истории есть подсказка-перевод, однако, не спешите к ней прибегать, попробуйте сами понять о чем же идет речь:

Рассказ Олега

- If I ask Oleg, what did you do on Sunday?

- On Sun­day I went to the сine­ma. I wacht­ed a very nice movie Drive.

After the movie I came home and gave a tele­phone inter­view to the Russ­ian ser­vice BBC. The world polit­i­cal sit­u­a­tion in terms of con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry. 10 min­utes on air of radio BBC.

- You see — Oleg is a spe­cial­ist in con­spir­a­cy theory.

- Not only… Con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry, mag­ic and extra­or­di­nary sit­u­a­tions dur­ing the life and after death.

- And what mag­ic white or black?

- Both

История Владимира

- Vladimir, what did you do yes­ter­day? How did you spend your time yesterday?

- Yes­ter­day I was at the talk show

- How many stars were in the talk show?

- There were many stars. We talked about my last film ‘Gen­er­a­tion P ‘, where I played the main role.

Some peo­ple said, do not watch this film some peo­ple said that you must see this film.

- I said nothing.I was silent.

- What is the price of your silence?

- Thir­ty pieces of silver.

- Very sym­bol­ic price!

- I know an inter­est­ing sto­ry about how you got the main role in this movie

- I don‘t want to hear about it!

- Every­body should know about it!

- I mean cast­ing, when you shoot yourself.

- What hap­pened there? We are waiting!

- It was a dif­fi­cult cast­ing, because many stars want­ed to play this role.

- What‘s the sto­ry? How you got this role?

- Once I came to the casting.It was not my cast­ing. And I was not ready for it.

After the direc­tor, watched this cast­ing, he called me. He said, sor­ry, but it‘s not your role. Maybe you want to play some oth­er role in my movie? Some bad guy, for exam­ple, Vovchik? Yes of course, I said, I like this project. I will be hap­py any role. But after I hung up the phone, I thought it was no good. I felt some­thing strange. I took my cam­era and went to my emp­ty swim­ming pool. And I made my own ver­sion of the casting.

- Did you like what you made?

- When I do some­thing myself I am hap­py with this. I cut my ver­sion and gave it to the direc­tor. And said, let it be Vovchik. Just take a look. Maybe you will have some ideas?

- More ques­tions for Vladimir…

- May be I will fin­ish the sto­ry? Because the ques­tion left open. I‘ll be brief.

After watch­ing the record­ing, the direc­tor called me back and said, sorry.

- This is the hap­py end of the story.

- This is a dra­mat­ic story!

- The direc­tor said, he was not right. This is your role. But unfor­tu­nate­ly my cast­ing was bet­ter than the movie. Often sam­ples look bet­ter than the film itself.

Александра: о своём воскресение

- Ok. Now.… Sasha, what is your sto­ry? What did you do yes­ter­day or on Sunday?

- I took part in a TV show. It was a game Croc­o­dile. Our team lost.

- Who won?

- The team of mid­dle managers.

- So what is this game?

- This is tra­di­tion­al game when some­one shows some­thing and can not talk.

- What did you have to show?

- I showed Oleg Tabakov.

- You had to show an actor.

- Yes. It is very difficult.At the same time the two teams showed Oleg Tabakov.

- Who had to guess?

- My team had to guess and the oth­er team had to guess. And one man­ag­er imi­tat­ed pipe smoking.And his team exclaimed, Tabakov!I don‘t under­stand how they guessed. In three seconds!

- Did you show the smok­ing pipe?

- No. I just was decid­ing what to show.

- How did you show?

- I didn‘t have time.

- Did the man­ag­er look like Oleg Tabakov?

- No, I think they won thanks to team spirit.

- Just because the man­agers have a col­lec­tive mind.

- Yes! They know how to com­mu­ni­cate on the col­lec­tive con­scious and uncon­scious level.

Повествование Анны

- Well, Anya… What is your sto­ry? What did you do on Sun­day or yesterday?

- Sun­day I spent with my fam­i­ly, with my daugh­ter. I spoke on the one of the pre­vi­ous lessons about my house in the countryside.Not far from Moscow. We were at her horse rid­ing les­son. I took her there. The hors­es were so nice and calm and we had a good time. Rest of the time I spent in rehearsals. One day I had three rehearsals!

- What is the name of the play?

- I do not want to say her name. I do not want to say her name. This moment is con­fi­den­tial! I don‘t know if it is real.That is why I want to keep silent about it. I just want to work. With­out think­ing about the future. That‘s all.

- Ок. More questions…

- Is your new play clas­sic or modern?

- It is mod­ern. This is with regard to the the­ater. Besides that I had one sam­ple and a meet­ing with the new film­mak­er. We nev­er met before. It was an inter­est­ing meet­ing, regard­less of the out­come. I don‘t know will I take part on this film or not but the meet­ing was inter­est­ing. It was like a meet­ing with a per­son, not just a meet­ing with the direc­tor. But back to the theater…When we start a new play with Yatsko, above all, on the first day we sit and read the play. Before dis­cus­sion we just read the play. I think this is a very good way for any play, sound in free emp­ty space. And then we start to dis­cuss. I think it‘s very impor­tant to under­stand the mean­ing of the play the actor himself.

Возвратные местоимения

Немного грамматики:


Я сам


Ты сам


Он сам


Она сама


Мы сами


Вы сами


Они сами

Три случая употребления возвратных глаголов в  английском языке:

  1. Когда нам нужно, чтобы глагол приобрел –ся  / -сь, то сть становился возвратным.
  2. Когда хоть перевести  эти русские местоимения: себя / себе, собой на английский используем данный выше вид местоимений.
  3. При выражении местоимения сам/ сама/ само/ сами также используем возвратные местоимения данной таблицы.

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Девятый урок теле-шоу Полиглот

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